This blog was made to get people aware of the importance and history of Brownlee Reservoir. There is something for everyone to do on the reservoir. From someone who just wants to go for a long drive along its banks and enjoy the scenery. Or you can enjoy a day out on the water on the boat skiing or fishing. Brownlee reservoir offers something for everyone and continues to be one of the greatest warm water fishing areas in the North West.

Friday, October 28, 2011

What Was Gained

Brownlee Reservoir has been a center point for many family’s recreations since its completion in 1957. The reservoir is very important to many peoples lives not only in our local areas but the water it holds back affects areas as far as the Oregon/Washington coast. The reservoir slows down flood water in the spring and provides irrigation water for the farms along the Snake River and Columbia. Brownlee holds back a great amount of water. The reservoir is nearly 300 feet deep and over 58 miles long and 1 mile wide. This allows for a great amount of water storage. They can fluctuate the reservoir at a very rapid rate to adjust for the amount of inflow that is coming in or the amount that needs to be going out. Brownlee reservoir was designed and constructed by Idaho Power and is a great source of power for their company.


  1. It is fascinating to me how creative our countries people are when it comes to the conservation of water and the different things it can be used for. It is awesome to me that the Brownlee Reservoir is able to provide energy for Idaho Power, provide recreation to families, used as irrigation for farms, and stop flooding in the spring. I guess most of us would never think from looking at a reservoir how important it is to everyday life. The fact that a reservoir of this size has so many different functions is amazing to me. The fact that it can be used for energy, fun, and farming as well as I’m sure being a safety feature if we ever had a massive drought and needed water. I’m glad that you wrote on this so that I was able to learn a little bit more about the importance of reservoirs to our society. If I may ask where is Brownlee Reservoir located?

  2. Brownlee reservoir is located in between Idaho and Oregon and Is located on the Snake river which forms the boarder line between the two states. The begining of the reservoir is locate just past Ontario, OR if you are coming from Boise. Or you can reach it the dam by going through weiser and council on the hells canyon scenic byway.

  3. Oh okay thank you very much for that. I love being outdoors and seeing new sights and I am for sure going to have to check out Brownlee Reservoir next summer. Thank you for the information.
